2023.10.18 Master-course Miu Sakaidaさんの論文「Development of a Mammography Calcification Detection Algorithm Using Deep Learning with Resolution-Preserved Image Patch Division」がAlgorithms誌に掲載されました!
2023.10.13 Doctor-course Daisuke Ouraさんの論文「The montage method improves the classification of suspected acute ischemic stroke using the convolution neural network and brain MRI.」がRadiological physics and technology誌に掲載されました!
2023.7.20. Master-course Soichiro Inomataさんさんの論文「Estimation of Left and Right Ventricular Ejection Fractions from cine-MRI Using 3D-CNN」がSensors誌に掲載されました!
2023.6.17 Doctor-course Daisuke Ouraさんの論文「Predicting Mechanical Thrombectomy Outcome and Time Limit through ADC Value Analysis: A Comprehensive Clinical and Simulation Study Using Machine Learning」がDiagnostics誌に掲載されました!
2023.5.31 Doctor-course Shota Ichikawaさんの論文「Deep learning-based body weight from scout images can be an alternative to actual body weight in CT radiation dose management」がJournal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics誌に掲載されました!
2023.5.30 Master-courseを修了された Kousuke Usuiさんの論文「Development of Chest X-ray Image Evaluation Software Using the Deep Learning Techniques」がApplied Sciences誌に掲載されました!
2023.3.21 Master-course Kousuke Usuiさんさんが令和4年度保健科学院修士課程ー研究発表賞(Best Presentation Award)受賞!
2023.3.7. Master-course Soichiro Inomataさんが第78回日本放射線技術学会北海道支部秋季大会優秀研究賞受賞!
2023.2.28 Doctor-course Shota Ichikawaさんの論文「Acquisition time reduction in pediatric 99m Tc-DMSA planar imaging using deep learning.」がJournal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics誌に掲載されました!
2023.2.5 Doctor-course Daisuke OuraさんがECR2023で登録演題「”The sophisticated MRI protocol can contribute both to the faster reperfusion and to accurate diagnosis”」がScientific Exhibition Award「Magna cum laude」受賞!!
2023.2.5 Doctor-course Daisuke Ouraさんの論文「Quality Assurance of Chest X-ray Images with a Combination of Deep Learning Methods」がApplied Sciences誌に掲載されました!
2023.1.30 Master-course Kousuke Usuiさんの論文「Age Estimation from Brain Magnetic Resonance Images Using Deep Learning Techniques in Extensive Age Range」がApplied Sciences誌に掲載されました!
2023.1.13 Doctor-course Shota Ichikawaさんの論文「Prediction of body weight from chest radiographs using deep learning with a convolutional neural network」がRadiological Physics and Technology誌に掲載されました!
2022.7.6 Doctor-course Shota Ichikawaさんの論文「Toward automatic reformation at the orbitomeatal line in head computed tomography using object detection algorithm」がPhysical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine誌に掲載されました!
2021.12.16 Master-course Yusuke Asamiさんの論文「Development of Detection and Volumetric Methods for the Triceps of the Lower Leg Using Magnetic Resonance Images with Deep Learning」がApplied Sciences誌に掲載されました!
2021.10.27 Doctor-course Daisuke Ouraさんの論文「Construction of super-rapid brain MRA using oblique transverse acquisition phase contrast angiography with tilted optimized non-saturated excitation pulse」がMagnetic Resonance Imaging誌に掲載されました!
2021.8.2 Doctor-course Shota Ichikawaさんの論文「A deep-learning method using computed tomography scout images for estimating patient body weight」がScientific reports誌に掲載されました!
2021.2.7 Master-course Keisuke Manabeさんの論文「Improvement in the Convolutional Neural Network for Computed Tomography Images」がApplied Sciences誌に掲載されました!
2021.1.5 HP構成と内容を更新しました